Everything you need to know about the product and billing. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our team.
How do you Color the Chocolates?
The chocolates are colored with cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is the fat that is in chocolate. We color the cocoa butter, which looks like butter when it’s melted, and use it to paint the molds by hand. Some of the chocolates are hand-painted, some are airbrushed, and some are painted with a paintbrush. We use different techniques of painting to create different effects with the cocoa butter.
Where should I store the chocolates? Should I refrigerate them?
Keep the chocolates in a cool, dark place, any room with AC is fine. Putting the chocolates in the fridge will affect the texture of the ganache, and will cause condensation on the chocolates, which will in turn affect the way they look.
How long do the chocolates last?
From point of production, the chocolates last about 4 weeks. Once they leave the shop, we ask that you eat the chocolates within a week because they have left a controlled environment.The best chocolate is fresh chocolate. We do not add preservatives or stabilizers to the chocolates; therefore our chocolates are best enjoyed soon after receiving them.Store your chocolates in a cool, dry place (optimally 55-65 °F), ideally in a wine cooler. If your chocolates can’t be eaten within one week, then we suggest sealing the chocolate in an airtight container and refrigerating them. When you’re ready to enjoy them, let the chocolate thaw out at room temperature to bring out the full flavor before enjoying!
How many calories are in your chocolates?
30-45 calories per chocolate in average, depend on the model.
Do you have anything sugar-free, low carb, fat-free, etc?
We do accept sugar-free chocolate orders.
Do you ship your chocolates? Can you order online?
Yes, we ship chocolates all over California. The best way is to place your order online at our website.
How often are the chocolates created?
Chocolates are made daily in our kitchen specifically designed to make chocolate, with the room at 66 degrees Fahrenheit.
What allergens are contained in your products?
All our chocolates are processed in a facility that handles dairy, peanuts, wheat, egg, soy and tree nuts. We follow strict guidelines to avoid cross-contamination and we separate everything by hand to ensure quality and safety. As our products are made on shared equipment, we cannot guarantee 100% that any specific product is free from any specific allergen.
What is your return policy?
Please visit our Return Policy page for details.